The two main superhero characters in the story are Psyche, who has mind powers, and his partner Mighty Wing, who was gifted with bright pink wings.
The result? 'A fun and funny story about gay dads on the day their daughter was born - only with, like, superheroes.'īrian said the story was inspired in part by the movie Bad Moms - ('But not as fabulous because it doesn't have Kathryn Hahn in it.') While he wanted the comic to have 'a lot of heart,' he also intentionally made the story sex positive, crass - and very much not for kids. 'Some say 'write what you know' and since I became a father in 2014 I decided to do just that,' he said. Creating his own comic book, he said, has been a lifelong goal.
The comic, ' Super Boy Meets Baby,' features two gay superheroes who are fighting against the clock - and, of course, a couple of evildoers - in order to arrive in time to witness the birth of their daughter.īrian, who describes himself as an 'out and proud life-long geek,' first started reading comics at eight years old. We here at Gays With Kids always knew queer dads had super powers - but now so does the rest of the world, thanks to a saucy new comic book by Brian Andersen, with illustrations by Eva Cabrera and Claudia Aguirre.